September 29, 2023

How To Create A 90-Day Plan For Your Business

As business owners, we all face the same problem – we have far too much to do and way too little time to do it! 

Most of us have big, ambitious goals for our businesses, but not everyone has a clear actionable plan to follow to achieve those goals.

Everything can seem important, and whilst you’re busy multitasking and trying to stay on top of your ever increasing to-do list, you’re not necessarily focused on the critical activities that will positively impact your bottom-line.

Statistics show that companies who plan, grow on average 30% faster than those who don’t. 

Implementing 90-day planning Following a simple 3-step process can help you cut out distractions and focus specifically on the things that create impact in your business.

Use these tips to craft a 90 Day business plan that will help you stay focused, level up your productivity and crush your goals. 

In this blog, we’ll walk through the steps you need to create an actionable plan that aligns with your business goals. No more guesswork – just a clear roadmap to help you achieve the growth you’ve been aiming for.

Free Guide and Workbook

You can also download a copy of our free guide and workbook to help you get started.

1. Set Your Top 3-5 Goals

Goals are part of every aspect of business, providing you with a sense of direction, importance, focus, and motivation that are aligned to your vision. 

Without them, you don’t know what you’re aiming for, where to direct effort, which creates chaos. In the end, it is your business that suffers because profit margins are impacted and so is productivity.

What’s the difference between vision and goals?

A business vision is an image of what you want your business to be at some point in the future, whereas your goals are targets that you set and aim for that will allow you to turn your vision into a reality. 

Having a vision will give your business a clear focus, and can stop you heading in the wrong direction.

Make it a SMART Goal

SMART goals give a strong purpose, allow you to state the objectives and track results, whilst connecting with your bigger business vision. 

This criteria will guide you in setting your goals.

S – SPECIFIC – it must be well defined and clear 

M – MEASURABLE – has specific criteria so you can measure your success 

A – ATTAINABLE – it must be possible to achieve 

R – RELEVANT – it supports your vision for your business 

T – TIME-BOUND – has a timeframe in which to achieve

You need clear goals to cut through the noise and remove those activities which won’t actually move your business forward. It gives you clarity on what you will say no to.

Typically, you should identify between 3-5 goals. You should always have a financial goal. For example, you might want to grow your Instagram following to 5k within the next 6 months. You might want to hit £200k annual revenue. These are your goals – success looks different to everyone.

Be Realistic of What is Achievable

When we’re excited about big business goals or projects, we tend to overestimate what is really possible in the shorter term. We end up giving ourselves aggressive deadlines, which can be extremely stressful and also demotivating if we don’t achieve them.

Having a helicopter view will help you really focus in and get real on what is possible with the capacity and resources that you have. You need to be able to see the big picture to know what is realistic. You can then prioritise and drop anything that isn’t going to move your business forward.

Plot these in your annual plan. In what month do you want to achieve each goal?

2. Develop the 90-Day Plan

A good place to start is to think about the following three things:

Now you have your goals, you need to re-engineer them so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve them. 

For example, let’s say you have a goal to hit £200k annual revenue. 

  • You might be a Coach who sells coaching packages for £5k. That means you need to sell 40 packages to achieve your goal. 
  • Or, you might be a digital course creator with a course that has a price point of £497, meaning you need to sell 403 courses to hit your goal.

Once you know this, you can start to work out the key activities you need to do (e.g. sell 403 courses), how you intend to do them (e.g. do 2x live launches) and when (e.g. February and September) in order to meet your goals.

Next, plot those activities you need to do in the next 90-days. If you have a project management tool, put your plan in there.

Tip: Knowing your key KPIs (key performance indicators) will tell you whether you’re on track or not, allowing you to take informed action when needed. 

The 90-day plan will become the heart of your planning system. It gives you flexibility to pivot, but sufficient time to execute and gain momentum on those important activities that will ultimately move your business forward. It’s an extremely powerful process that you will repeat every 90 days.

3. Review and Forward Look

You will want to review and reflect on the progress you’ve made in the last 90 days, and make your plan for the coming 90 days. As a business owner it’s crucial that you check your progress towards your goals, whilst continually reviewing and adjusting your priorities to keep you on track.

The reality is, hurdles will come your way that you wouldn’t have necessarily foreseen, but having a plan allows you to overcome them without losing sight of the end game.

Schedule time in your calendar to do this properly and give it the focus it deserves. 

Don’t forget to celebrate those successes!


Following this roadmap will help take your planning to the next level and really make an impact on your business.

Free Guide

Free Goal Setting Guide

Our guide will walk you through the exact steps to create an actionable plan that aligns with your business goals. No more guesswork – just a clear roadmap to help you achieve the growth you’ve been aiming for. Grab your free guide now and get started. Download your free guide and workbook here:


The Business Plan – a Blueprint for Success

The Importance of Developing a Strong Business Strategy

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